Sunday, November 15, 2009

back up and at 'em

feeling good today. sleeping for 48 hours pretty much takes care of whatever ails me.

Bangla class (last week of this session). then I went to the American Center to pick up a package and to the bank to take out money and get another 1000 taka in 10s. lots of work at school -- printing out all those annotated bibliographies, drafts to comment on, lecture for tomorrow to prepare. still haven't written the conference paper. yikes. lots of email about the upcoming Nepal trip. travel far by bus and not have much time anywhere? or sit still and enjoy one set of views? Pokhara? Nagarkot? views? relaxing? elephant rides? hikes? bikes? ok, we definitely need a few weeks...!

then another meeting at Matan's school - this parent advisory committee is taking up more time. quick hike over to the American club to pay the bill for the month and pick up dinner.

now I've got to go over those drafts. while there's electricity.

(and for those who are keeping score at home, we are back *on* for the reasonable laundry for another 2 weeks, but we have serious misunderstandings in the interpretation of when rent payments are due. I am weary. Don't these things get settled and then you move on with living? Or is it all inter-cultural?).

1 comment:

  1. My reaction when I read your previous blog on the laundry not being done by the landlord was: okay, you'll just have to embarass him again by "the American" taking her laundry out in a duffel to be washed somewhere. What does your Bangla teacher say about the cultural thing?
    Very good that you are feeling better. Stay well, Carol
