Guess I hadn't posted the pictures from the Children's Lit conference in late March. We had academic talks on Thursday with some of the top scholars in Bangladesh. I gave the keynote on reading children's literature as adults, using fairy tales mostly as my sources. Some of the other presentations had to do academic aspects and some with the production of children's media, including Sisimpur, the Bengladeshi Sesame Street. On Saturday groups of 9 and 10 year-olds were invited to workshops facilitated by professionals in creative writing and other media to produce stories of their own.

my talk and then on Saturday, in my office.

my officemate, Mahmadul Haque, and department chair, Firdous Azim.

most of the conference organizing fell on Tabassum's shoulders, especially with Ruhksana sick (as many of us were in March!). Lots of students volunteered to help and so many people were involved in this amazing production.

(I know there were pictures of the kids' part of the program, I'll have to look around for them).
Thanks for sharing the conference bits and pictures. I continute to be so very impressed with your work and accomplishments. Not too much longer and we will see each other. Mom