Wednesday, March 17, 2010


very interesting that writing the talk on children's lit has provoked so much discomfort in me. writing is always challenging, but this time I'm pushing myself to think about teaching and researching. most of my presentations, in the last 5 years, I'd say, have been about teaching -- pedagogical aspects of online learning or women's studies and community, or even autobiography in the comp classroom. but it's been a long time since I've worked more on the research aspect and tried to wean myself away from how I see everything as a teacher. interesting. I think I had to come away from my comfort zone in a teaching institution and re-situate in a department with a research component in order to figure out how this fits for me.

I'm sure that I had to do laundry and make hamburger buns while I was writing in order to push through the challenge. :-)

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